Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Day 104

Rainy day on the beach so Sterling and I headed into the Strand to meet Doug for tortilla soup at the Apache Cafe. Then to the Premier Movie Theatre for Alice in Wonderland. Favorite quote: "Have I gone mad? I'm afraid so. You're entirely bonkers. But I'll tell you a little secret. All the best people are!" We went directly from the movies to eat Dipping Dots Ice Cream. Yum. Then bought some seashell earrings at the surf shop next door. When in search of the mermaid shop, we discovered gifts for grandmother as well as a concrete seahorse for sterling's pool. But the best find of the day happened at the antiques store where we purchased a giant concrete budda head we could barely lift. After visiting two art galleries and wishing we could buy everything, we headed to San Luis REsort for dinner and dessert. Oh, yes... carrot cake. We were visited by this parrot at dinner. After all, we are on an island. It was still raining by the time we arrived home about 8:30 pm.

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