Saturday, December 12, 2009


Beachcombing this saturday morning was abundant due to the high tide from last night. We picked up 5-6 inch angel wing shells along with some smaller cockles intact and tons of ark shells. We found a couple of sea beans, too. The neat part is being the only people on the beach.

I finished trimming the tree later and put on only the best ornaments along with those that had little portraits of the boys glued on them. The only choice to top the tree, of course, was a starfish. Douglous was busy installing cabinet shelves retrieved from discarded kitchen cabinets of the historic 1894 Opera House here in Galveston. I decided to cook a fabulous lunch today and made Bavarian Potato Dumplings with Sausage. It almost beats chili and crackers as my favorite cold weather food. Listening to "Sounds of Christmas with a Caribbean Beat" while organizing and unboxing the house. Went out on the deck and this formation of pelicans was in flight overhead. I love my camera.

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