Friday, January 8, 2010

Day 38

Elvis birthday is today. He would have been 75. Did you know he was born in Tupelo, Mississippi? Thank ya, thank ya very much. It did get down to 29 on the island this morning and is still quite chilly. I felt sorry for a couple of my potted plants and brought them in. I'm so tired of lugging plants around I was just going to let the cold weather get them. Sucker.

Doug brought a tiffany lamp home today he bought at an antique shop off the Strand. We went into Galveston and ate dinner at Mi Bella and had shrimp alfredo. Yum. Signing off now to get under the electric blanket and watch "Australia." Oh, we didn't drive to Austin because Amber wasn't feeling well. Maybe another weekend we will head to the hill country.

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