Saturday, January 23, 2010

Day 51

TGIF. Doug picked me up from school and we headed to Austin by 2:00. Leaving H-Town before it gets clogged. Stopped at "Three Dudes Winery" outside of San Marcos for the sweetest red and Texas white. Arrived at my granddaughter's house in time for Amber's stir fry. (still thinking food) Seth, Doug and I played Texas Hold Em until after midnight. I didn't even stay up that late on New Year's Eve. Took the infamous naked baby pictures in the bathtub that I'm saving to show until she is 18 and I can embarrass her. Ha! Kyla is 8 months now and gotten so tall and skinny. She is crawling slowly and mostly trying to reach the doggie bowl. She loves dog food. It could be a problem. Image is Kyla with Dougogles(Amber's endearing nickname for Doug).

1 comment:

  1. There is a winery in Santa Fe. The name is Haak Winery. You might want to try it out when you are being adventuresome.
